October 23, 2024
Elon Musk Daughter

Elon Musk Daughter

Mesti anda pernah dengar siapa itu ELON MUSK.. Beliau adalah seorang billionair yang memilik TESLA. Banyak peminat tegar kereta elektrik TESLA di MALAYSIA nie.. semua menunggu bila TESLA nak officially masuk Malaysia. DIharapkan SOON, sebab Indonesia pun dah panas.

Baru-baru ini, ELON MUSK dan KEKASIHNYA, penyanyi GRIMES dianugerahkan seorang cahaya mata yang dipanggil Exa Dark Sideræl Musk.. Nama macam out of this world, especially bila kita tahu bahawa Elon Musk memang seorang yang visionary. Cuba anda sebut nama nie?

Juga ramai orang yang nak tahu, apakah maksud disebalik nama nie? Mengikut Grime,

Exa is “a reference to the supercomputing term exaFLOPS (the ability to perform 1 quintillion floating-point operations per second)” while Dark represents “the unknown. People fear it but truly it’s the absence of photons. Dark matter is the beautiful mystery of our universe.”

As far as Sideræl is concerned, it is derived from Grimes’ favourite Lord of the Rings character, Galadriel, as well as an ‘elven’ spelling of sidereal. She further said that Sideræl is “the true time of the universe, star time, deep space time, not our relative earth time.”

Anda boleh google sendiri translation dalam bahasa Melayu.. hahaha.. sebab kami nk translate takut lost in translation pulok.. memang diorang nie so advanced dalam pemikirannya..

Elon Musk Daughter
Elon Musk Daughter

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